Which MCU Infinity Stone are you?

You have been given your choice of one of the six Infinity Stones. Which should you pick? You want one that is powerful but that you could master the use of.

There are six ancient artifacts are all powerful in their own way. Will you warp time, space, or even reality itself? Will you have a hand in life and death? Only time will tell.

Created by: Marvel
  1. Which element would you like to control?
  2. Someone calls you in the middle of the night. What are you expecting them to tell you?
  3. Which genre is your favorite?
  4. Which of these best describes you?
  5. Which Avenger is your favorite?
  6. Which Guardian of the Galaxy is your favorite?
  7. Was Thanos right?
  8. If you were given the gauntlet and could snap it once with no negative repercussions, what would you wish for?
  9. What would you do if a teammate took a bullet for you and was killed?
  10. You have been tasked with hiding your stone where no one will ever find it or use it again. Where do you put it?

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Quiz topic: Which MCU Infinity Stone am I?
