Which Literary Era Are You?

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This quiz will tell you which of these literary periods or movements you most belong in: Renaissance, Romantic Period, Transcendental Movement, Victorian Period, Existentialism, and Modernism. Best wishes.

Apparently I need to fill out a second paragraph. There is not much else to explain about this. I had a lot of other things I could do, but decided to follow a spark of passion. Please be truthful as I've taken your lies into account. Ok. Go on and have fun.

Created by: Taylor
  1. The purpose of literature is...
  2. Choose a quote:
  3. How do you feel about AI technology?
  4. Choose one to teach a full course on:
  5. Which character do you most resonate with?
  6. Life has meaning.
  7. Which Harry Potter house are you in?
  8. Choose a Greek god.
  9. While writing, where do you begin?
  10. Where would you prefer to read?

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Quiz topic: Which Literary Era am I?
