Which Kat, Cat, and Cham character are you?

There are many people in the world. Only a few hundred watch The Adventures of Kat, Cat, and Cham. Even fewer know about this quiz. In this quiz you will learn which character you are.

Are you Fawful? No? How about Mario? Luigi? Bowser? Cham? Daisy? Are you a kind, loving princess or an evil, crazed bean. Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Cham
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your type of style?
  3. Whose castle is your favorite?
  4. IQ QUIZ: What is 4x125? Don't search, don't think. Just say the first thing that pops to mind. Be honest.
  5. If you could have control of which of the following, which would it be?
  6. When walking, you see a fallen koopa. What do you do?
  7. Where is your favorite place in The Adventures of Kat, Cat, and Cham?
  8. If you were a character in the Adventures of Kat, Cat, and Cham who would your best friend be?
  9. You're almost at the last question. Are you happy?
  10. You're at the last question! Quick! How do you spell Krabs?

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Quiz topic: Which Kat, Cat, and Cham character am I?