Which Iranian political group are you?

This is my first contest, hope you like it!In any case, I have made a very short test... it can't be done!By the way, in this test, only political groups in the Islamic Republic of Iran have been mentioned.

Iran is full of political parties, which are ultimately divided into three main groups. Would you like to know if you lived in Iran, which one would you be a fan of?By doing this competition, you will find out which group you are!

Created by: Ruknuddin Baybars
  1. I think Iran should establish good relations with ----.
  2. I think Iran's economy should be ----.
  3. Which Iranian product should be exported to the world?
  4. What kind of government do you support? Parliamentary republic or presidential republic?
  5. Do you support Iran's intervention in Syria?
  6. Which event was worse?
  7. In the Ukraine war, which country do you support?
  8. Do you support the autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan?
  9. In the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, who would you like to win?
  10. If you were present in the Lebanese civil war, who would you be with?

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Quiz topic: Which Iranian political group am I?
