Which iCarly character are you similar to?

Have you ever watched the hit Nickelodeon show, iCarly? If you haven't you should see the hilarious show so you could see if you relate to the iCarly characters. You could end up being: Carly, Sam, Freddie, Spencer, or Gibby.

If you have watched the show, then you may have an idea of how you are similar to. Let's see if this quiz can guess who you can relate to! Hope you enjoy! I understand my results may not always be accurate.

Created by: J
  1. What is your personality?
  2. Do people like you or are they afraid of you?
  3. How do you get back at someone?
  4. How do you react when your BFF lied to you or kept secrets from you?
  5. What is your favorite color out of these choices?
  6. Do you get along with people?
  7. Do you like being the leader of a group of friends?
  8. Do people ever tell you that you are being too annoying?
  9. What kind of people do you choose to be your friends?
  10. Are you shy or are you loud?

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Quiz topic: Which iCarly character am I similar to?