Which HTTYD Dragon would best fit you...

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This quiz tells you which of the ten HTTYD dragons best fits you! Remember, you don't always get the dragon you want, this is just the truth. Good Luck!

Completing this quiz is simple, just choose the answer you think is accurate and submit them to find the results. There are ten HTTYD dragons possible to get!

Created by: ScarletSiren
  1. Where would you like to live?
  2. What is your favorite food to eat...
  3. What dragon class would you want to be in...
  4. What kind of blast would you like to have...
  5. What personality would your dragon have...
  6. What activities would you rather participate in...
  7. What is your favorite time of the day...
  8. Choose a special ability...
  9. What would you name your dragon...
  10. What would you do if you had a dragon...

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