Which Hooky character are you? (Vol.1)

Hooky is a series of awesome fantasy graphic novels. By answering these ten questions, you can find out which character you are from Vol.1 . Thanks for clicking on my quiz!

Possible outcomes:Dani, Dorian, Nico, Monica, Mark, Damien, William.Have fun playing this super cool and fun quiz!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž If this gets popular I will make a Vol.2 version!

Created by: BurgerGurl1505
  1. Which of these are you drawn to?
  2. Pick a colour
  3. Pick one....
  4. Do you have siblings?
  5. Which nickname are you most likely to be called?
  6. Of you could be in a novel, what genre would it be?
  7. Pick your familiar
  8. Pick a set of emojis
  9. What job can you see yourself doing in the future?
  10. What colour is closest to your hair?

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Quiz topic: Which Hooky character am I? (Vol.1)
