Which Hogwarts House are you in?

There are millions of Harry Potter fans in the world(as well there should be), but this is a quiz to determine which Hogwarts House you belong to.

Each House has their own noble history, and each House ahs produced outstanding witches and wizards. So, do you belong to the brave Gryffindors or the sly Slytherins? The loyal Hufflepuffs, or the brilliant Ravenclaws?

Created by: SilverWolf
  1. Who is you favorite Hogwarts teacher?
  2. Of the following, which is your favorite color?
  3. Of the following, which is your favorite color?
  4. What are your best qualities?
  5. Which, of the following, do you think is the best saying?
  6. Who is your favorite character?
  7. If your friend were in danger, and to save him were most likely to get you killed, what would you do?
  8. Do you like Harry Potter?
  9. Who is your favorite ghost?
  10. Of the following,what is your favorite animal?
  11. What is your favorite House?

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts House am I in?