Which Harry potter character in the golden trio are you

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Are you more of a Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, or Harry potter? take this to find out which character from the golden trio you're most like in my opinion!

I am Dutch so it's possible that I make a lot of grammar mistakes. Don't take this quiz to seriously. this is just based on my opinion based on your answers.

Created by: Sophia
  1. Would you say that you're clever?
  2. What animal would you take to Hogwarts?
  3. Which house would you be sorted in?
  4. Are you sensitive?
  5. Professor Snape?
  6. Would you use the spell crucio?
  7. Blood?
  8. dumbledore?
  9. Would you like to fight a war?
  10. last question. this won't affect your answer but, do you listen to Lana del Rey??!!

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Quiz topic: Which Harry potter character in the golden trio am I
