Which Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like?

Many people have heard of the exciting world of Harry Potter. But not many have stopped to determine who in our office is most like the characters in this fantastic world. Never fear! Jessica is here!

Who are YOU? Are you smart? Stupid? An evil dictator? Take a few minutes to find out. The results are worth it...maybe. *Actual results may vary. Quiz author makes no guarantee of satisfaction.

Created by: Jessica
  1. When faced with a subordinate challenging your authority, do you...
  2. When considering the decor for your new office, do you prefer...
  3. When trying to catch the eye of The Boy Who Lived, do you...
  4. When you spot your current crush, do you...
  5. By chance you notice that Harry Potter is exceptionally good on a broom, do you...
  6. You're on your way back to the common room when you see a cupcake hovering in mid air. Do you...
  7. Your arch nemesis has made his way onto the Quidditch team through sheer luck. In order to guarantee your spot on next year's team, do you...
  8. When it comes to Elfish Welfare, what are your feelings on the subject?
  9. Harry Potter has just been accused of committing a series of attacks on Muggle-borns. Do you...
  10. A couple of students have exhibited extraordinary achievements recently. Do you...

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter Character am I Most Like?