Which Harry Potter Character are you?

sick of quizzes that only allow harry ron or hermione? this quiz allows a variety of harry potter characters. this is also my first quiz and it is short, but i worked really hard on it.

If the results arent accurate im sorry. like i said, this is my first quiz. i will be making more based on harry potter. have fun and i hope i get at least 10 likes

Created by: Starla Xan
  1. Smarts or skills?
  2. Which class?
  3. Who do you hate Teacher
  4. Who do you hate student
  5. Homework?
  6. Do you hate snape
  7. Snape is....
  8. Luna lovegood is...
  9. Pudding... does it fill you up
  10. have fun?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter Character am I?
