Which Gravity Falls Character Are You?

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Did you ever think, "Hmm, I like Gravity Falls, I wonder what character I identify as..) Well, you came to the right website page! To get the unprofessional answer to your question, just take this quiz!

This quiz features 10 simple questions that gather information through a database and..... I think you know how quizzes work. Anyways, enjoy the experience!

Created by: McDoodleFarting
  1. Your Personality Is Most Like...
  2. Your Favorite Color Is..
  3. Your Favorite Character Is...
  4. You're Least Favorite Character Is....
  5. Do You Like Dad Jokes?
  6. Do You Have Siblings?
  7. Do You Like To Be Weird And Quirky?
  8. Are You Creative?
  9. You Would Hate To Be Called..
  10. Ready For Your Results??
  11. Bye

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Quiz topic: Which Gravity Falls Character am I?
