which goddess girl are you?

this quiz will show you the goddess girl that matches you the most! answer these 10 simple questions and you will find out very soon. I wish you will like your results at the end and be sure to check out my website at sophieluedi.com you just need to click on your answer and in the end, you will get your result.

the goddess girls I put in this quiz is: Athena, persephone, Aphrodite, Artemis, Pheme, medusa and pandora. I wish you will like this quiz very much! thank you to go to quiz .com for publishing this quiz

Created by: Sophie Luedi of Sophie Luedi
(your link here more info)
  1. how smart are you?
  2. are people scared of you?
  3. are you popular?
  4. who is your favorite Star Wars character?
  5. what is your hair color?
  6. are you good at sports?
  7. what are your scores for your science test?
  8. how do you feel about gardening?
  9. what do you wear the most?
  10. who is your favorite goddess girl?

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Quiz topic: Which goddess girl am I?
