Which "Garden" Character Are You

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You've read I, too, Have Suffered in the Garden and probably have some fairly vehement feelings about the characters. How could you not, when some of them behave so badly? Worried you might be just like them? Take this quiz to find out who YOU most resemble.

Answer the questions below. Go with your gut reaction (which is often your first). After you answer all ten questions, you'll find out which character you'd be if you were in I, too, Have Suffered in the Garden!

Created by: Jennifer Hritz of Jennifer Hritz
(your link here more info)
  1. Where do you want to go for dinner tonight?
  2. What's your favorite dessert?
  3. Pick your poison.
  4. How do you feel about exercise?
  5. What's the best quality you can think of in a mate?
  6. What kind of lover are you?
  7. On an ideal Saturday you'll be...
  8. What's your favorite TV show?
  9. Pick your calling.
  10. What's your favorite holiday?

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Quiz topic: Which "Garden" Character am I