Which Game City political party do you fit into?

The Kingdom of Game City, as a democratic nation, has a few political parties the citizens can vote for or join. In a stable democracy, this is a vital feature.

However, a lot of players in Game City simply haven't decided which political party or candidate is the best for them. f you don't really know what they believe in, or are interested in joining Game City's politics, take this quiz, citizen!

Created by: GC Government Monarchy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Should the health service (Hospital) be privately owned or Government-owned?
  2. Do you think Minecraft drugs should be legal?
  3. Should Game City have taxes?
  4. Should the Government focus on building a metro line to connect the city's districts?
  5. Should the Church of Notch get special privileges and power?
  6. Do you support the construction of a highway connecting the capital to Steelborough and Sylvves?
  7. What is your opinion on weapons rights?
  8. What is your opinion on the monarchy?
  9. Should national military service be obligatory for all citizens?
  10. Should the Erin become more and more digitalized and move away from physical currency?

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Quiz topic: Which Game City political party do I fit into?