Which Full House Tanner sister are you?

Hi Full House fans! If you ever wonder which Tanner girl you are most like,STOP. Our search has come to an end at last. I have used actual information from te tv show, so when you watch it you will know immediately hat that is the girl you were chosen like in this quiz.

His quiz wil tell you which sister you are most like and WHY you are like them. I need to give a big shout out o all the folks who helped create full house. You have given me hours of entertainment and taught me life lessons. Thank you!

Created by: D.J. Tanner Fan Club
  1. Which hairstyle do you like best?
  2. What is your favorite stuffed animal?
  3. Where do you like to hand out?
  4. What do you like to watch?
  5. In your opinion, what is CUTE?
  6. If you got $20, what would you buy?
  7. If you could meet one of the Tanner girls, who would you pick?
  8. What do ou think about boys?
  9. Do you think Candace Cameron, Jodie Sweden, and the Olson Twins would approve this quiz?
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. Did you like this quiz?
  12. This is the last question. How do ou feel about that?

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Quiz topic: Which Full House Tanner sister am I?
