Which Fruits Basket Character Are You?

This is just a fun Fruits Basket kin/character quiz. I didn't make it to offend anyone and there's no guarantee that it's accurate. Sorry if you don't like you answer.

I wrote descriptions for the characters that don't really match the questions in my quiz, but the actual result should be pretty accurate, hope you like the quiz!

Created by: anime geek
  1. What is a hobby you have? (If there are multiple answers, just choose the one you enjoy most)
  2. How are your morals?
  3. Do you have trauma?
  4. What do you need right now?
  5. Are you able to cope?
  6. Positive trait?
  7. Neutral trait?
  8. Negative trait?
  9. Which complex do you have?
  10. introvert or extrovert?
  11. How two faced and/or bipolar are you on a scale of 1-10?

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Quiz topic: Which Fruits Basket Character am I?
