Which free! Iwatobi swim club are you?

Mah quiz is fiyah As I am hooman hooman like to not waste time so pls do not read this intro and just get to teh fookin wuiz already I hate my life y do I have to write this

Pls enjoj I live this quiz I mean its a bit awful but I'm only writing this for extra characters lolololol i'mma send you this later lololololooololili

Created by: Elina Stamrap
  1. First of all, what kind of club member would you be if you were in a club?
  2. How much do you like swimming?
  3. Which swimming style to you like best?
  4. Do you get excited easily?
  5. In a group of people, how often do you speak?
  6. Do you communicate well with younger people?
  7. How do you usually spend your free time?
  8. Pick your favourite.
  9. When was Haru born?
  10. When was Makoto born?
  11. Roleplay time... You see the swim club members in person. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Which free! Iwatobi swim club am I?