Which FNF character are you?

If you’ve ever played or watched the new game called Friday Night Funkin’. This would be a good quiz for you. You get to find out which character you are.

Also, this is only all the weeks in FNF. Not all the mods and other stuff. Not Tricky,Huggy Wuggy, Whitty, Carol. Not any of them. Only the FNF weeks are in.

Created by: Avery
  1. Do you like singing?
  2. Do you like watching people?
  3. Do you like guns?
  4. Do you feel like a demon?
  5. Do you like romantic, old, pixel, video games.
  6. Do you like October
  7. Ok
  8. Have you ever played this before?
  9. Do you like computer games?
  10. Do you like FNF?

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Quiz topic: Which FNF character am I?

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