Which Flower Are you?

I think flowers would kinda each have there own thing going on if they were people. So I decided to make this quiz and let people see which flower I think they are most like.

So let's get testing, and good luck. In my opinion, all flowers are pretty awesome, so you should do fine. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck again..........

Created by: Catty
  1. Your hobbies include but are not limited to;
  2. If you asked, the trait your friends would like most about you is that:
  3. My worst trait is;
  4. My favorite thing about school is;
  5. My least favorite friends do is;
  6. The social group I fit in with most would be;
  7. Which color best suits your personality?
  8. My least favorite class in school is:
  9. Where are you most comfy?
  10. What's your favorite type of music?

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Quiz topic: Which Flower am I?