Which Element are you?

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Hello! Ever been taking a quiz, or talking to somebody or WHATEVER, and then it or they ask you what element you are and your like; IDK, WHY? Well, this is so you CAN know.

In this quiz, you'll be asked some questions, hopefully nothing TOO hard, and the answers will determine which element you are! I would like you to keep in mind that this is OPINION, not FACT. DO NOT TAKE THIS AS FACT. It is only likely that I'm right, LOL. Enjoy!

Created by: Eve
  1. Which color do you prefer?
  2. What's your favorite season?
  3. Which gem stone?
  4. Which number? XD This is kinda random
  5. Which LETTER? LOL
  6. What's your style?
  7. Which Symbol?
  8. Which food would you eat?
  9. Which myths do you prefer
  10. Pick an animal!

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Quiz topic: Which Element am I?
