Which Eeveelution will you accidentally evolve into?

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Eevee is a cute little pokemon that can evolve into eight possible evolutions: Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon!

Think about it... You are a little Eevee wondering "what Should I evolve into?" well young little Eevee, you where wondering what will you evolve into, this quiz will tell you what you will ACCIDENTALLY evolve into.

Created by: Forest Eevee
  1. A classic question! What is your favourite colour?
  2. You are walking in a dark forest, you hear a spine-chilling sound. Do You...
  3. You Enter A Magical Garden. Do You...
  4. Which Path Will You Take?
  5. How Would Your Friends Describe You?
  6. What Is Your Favourite Season?
  7. Where Would You Like To Live?
  8. Favourite Food?
  9. Pick an Artist (out of these)
  10. You Are in a strange area, there are many different rocks and stones do you go over to
  11. Final Question, Did You Enjoy This Quiz (answer does not effect result)

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Quiz topic: Which Eeveelution will I accidentally evolve into?
