Which dream smp character are you?

this is basically just a quiz i made for fun, dont take it seriously. if you dont like you’re answer then im sorry, but think. you ARENT these people, you are your own person and just because a quiz says you’re something doesnt mean you are

anyway, enjoy my quiz! i hope you like the answers you get, cuz for some reason i couldnt think of many questions/answers. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 anywayyyy, sorry i couldn’t add more people, it wouldnt let me. BYE!!

Created by: kaylee smart
  1. what is you’re favourite colour?
  2. favourite animal?
  3. favourite snack?
  4. introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
  5. what would be your reaction to being put in prison
  6. if your base was destroyed, how would you react?
  7. who do you hope to get? (theres more results but i cant add them to the answers-)
  8. how would you deal with a dead loved one
  9. who is your favourite dream team member?
  10. whos your favourite benchtrio member

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Quiz topic: Which dream smp character am I?
