Which Dork Are You?(GIRLS ONLY)

Are you Chloe Garcia? Zoey Franklin? Nikki Maxwell? Brianna Maxwell? Let the quiz begin and find out! Learn stuff about yourself that maybe you never knew!

Dork Diaries is my favorite book series of all time! If that is the same for you, you will love this quiz! Find out about which character from Dork Diaries you are!

Created by: Rory
  1. Your sister/BFF walks away. You...
  2. MacKenzie Hollister walks up to you. You...
  3. Your age is...
  4. Your gender is...
  5. Which describes you best?
  6. You are silly.
  7. Have you returned anything to anyone before?
  8. Do you like my quiz?
  9. Rate?
  10. Comment?

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Quiz topic: Which Dork am I?(GIRLS ONLY)
