Which Disney Princess Are You??(:

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I've always liked Ariel and Belle. But, I recently wondered, who am I more like? Many quizzes on other sites say I am courageous and strong like Mulan. What about you?

Are you more like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan, Pocahontas, Jasmine, Ariel, Belle or Snow White? Take the quiz below to find out who you most similar to!!(:

Created by: JeNnIsThEBoMb

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you do during your free time?
  2. What is your favorite attire?
  3. What color is your hair?
  4. What personality do you contribute to your circle of friends?
  5. Who is your fav disney princess (does not count heavily)
  6. Do you watch Disney movies? Or ever have?
  7. Why would you want to be Princess?
  8. What kind of movies do you like?
  9. What do you look for in a guy?
  10. Please rate/comment(:

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Quiz topic: Which Disney Princess am I??(: