Which Day Are You?

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Yep! The title doesn't lie. This quiz will find out what day of the week you are. Is it accurate? You bet! As a matter of fact, one time a very special person took this quiz, and he was pretty impressed at its accuracy.

That special person was God. So yeah, if the creator of the universe did it, than you know it's good. I still need more words. Alright, that'll do it.

Created by: tippecanoe
  1. What is your favorite peanut butter?
  2. Do you think the “Why did the chicken cross the road” joke is funny?
  3. Uh oh! Looks like the zombie apocalypse is happening. You can save either the dog or the cat, but not both. The dog is already dying. Who do you save?
  4. When you play rock paper scissors, what do you choose?
  5. When you hear the word “dinosaur,” what do you think of?
  6. What state do you live in?
  7. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate the fact that I didn't include the other states in the last question?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. If you dig a six foot hole, how deep is that hole?
  10. Do you not think the Earth isn't flat? (Don't be unsure to not pick the wrong answer)
  11. KFC or Popeyes?
  12. What sport do you play?
  13. What is the opposite of eat?
  14. What do you call a fat person?
  15. Which question do you think will affect your results the most?

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Quiz topic: Which Day am I?
