Which Dangan Rope character are u?

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you've always wondered who u would be if u were in soup dang rope? WELL THE TIME HAS COME MY FRIEND YOU WILL NOW HAVE YOUR ANSWER (ofc theres only 10 possible result so u'll have one of ten sorry u cant have everyone)

plz dont take this quizz too seriously, also sorry for any language mistake, english's not my birth language. also I wont tell wich characters are in the results and wich arent but I tried making them as various as possible

Created by: CatzuchiTanaka
  1. what would be ur reaction if u wake up in a killing game one day
  2. who is ur favorite Danganronpa Character
  3. what are ur best qualities
  4. whats ur worst flaw
  5. what do you love the most
  6. if you had to kill someone, how will ya do it
  7. One of your friends just got executed. what's your reaction
  8. u fond out ur best bud just killed someone
  9. the last trial is soon, you must uncover any left mysteries. how do you do
  10. You finally escape the killing game. what is the first thing you do?

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