Which Corpse Party ship are you?

Take this quiz to figure out which corpse party ship are you! This only includes ships from the main cast from the first game, and only ships that in one way or another kinda canon, sorry!!

The results might be a little mean spirited and one sided on my part, so please take this with a grain of salt. This isn't meant to offend anyone, just good ol' fun!

Created by: GGsDDs
  1. How do you eat your bread
  2. Do you believe in star signs
  3. Which corpse party title is the best?
  4. Which corpse party title is the worst
  5. choose a color
  6. if there was someone looking at you through a hole in the wall right now, what would you do?
  7. are you alone right now?
  8. if you screamed right now, would anyone hear you?
  9. choose a dessert!
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Quiz topic: Which Corpse Party ship am I?
