which chemphys member are you

this is referring to a group of friends, who met at (insert canadian university here) in 2019 a part of the class of 2023. we belong to the entry program "chemphys" and are in a variety of physical sciences programs such as chemistry, sustainable chemistry, astrophysics, physics, mathematical physics, engineering, and more.

i could not fit everyone in so i am sorry but i just chose who came to my mind first, i love you all and apologize if you are not an answer. *kisses u thru da screen*

Created by: baf
  1. fav fruit? (this changes nothing i just want more questions)
  2. what is your program??
  3. do you like yourself at all?
  4. have you ever been deemed a "hot mama"?
  5. do you like karen hughes?
  6. do you wear glasses
  7. do you have a caffeine problem?
  8. off campus first year??!!
  9. how high is your avg?!!
  10. do you play mind cfraf ([no urls])
  11. who is your bff in chemphys (don't choose you.)??
  12. if you died in a videogame, what would you drop?
  13. which special role do you have in the discord server?
  14. HAIR COLOUR!?? (most important question)
  15. this is obvious but choose which is most you (to help ensure you get yourself)
  16. how much do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which chemphys member am I

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