Which Character Are You?

What is your favorite character?Do you like snow?Do you like winter?Well you should take this quiz!It is about my Sims 3 Vocie Over Series Winter Snow.

It is about a girl named Lizzy Marie Jr.She is a pianoist and a guitarist.She is the main character in the voice over series.She is kind and smart.Please take this quiz and audition for the series!

Created by: Alexis Cutler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your personality?
  2. Favorite Animal
  3. What's your favorite color
  4. Whats your outfit?
  5. Favorite Character
  6. Whats your computer?
  7. Favorite Sport?
  8. Favorite Show?
  9. What type of makeup?
  10. Favorite Subject

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Quiz topic: Which Character am I?