Which Cell Eleven Member are You Most Like?

In this world, there are many different types of people, just as there are many different types of personalities. Personalities, and people, can sometimes mix very well together. But sometimes... They can clash.

Are you happy and spunky? Are you quiet and mysterious? Or are you simply antisocial? Take this quiz to find out which Cell Eleven member you're like!

Created by: Ikari Yume
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ohayo gozaimasu! It's morning! Around what time do you wake up, and what is the first thing you do?
  2. Time for school! Where do you sit in the classroom?
  3. Konnichi wa! Time for lunch! What kind of food did you bring?
  4. Back to class, and time for a quiz on the Henge no Jutsu!
  5. Congratulations! You've all graduated, and were just put into a cell under the teaching of the Sannin Jiraiya! [The cell members are As---a Kimino, Ikari Yume, and Uchiha Kokuei]
  6. Uh oh! Your first mission, and there's already trouble! One of your cell mates needs help! What do you do?
  7. The Chunin Exams are here! The first part is passed out - How do you do on it?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. How would you describe your personality?
  10. If you had to choose between friends, family, or neither, which would you pick?

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Quiz topic: Which Cell Eleven Member am I Most Like?