Which BTS member will fall for you?

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Forget about your bias for a minute. Ok, you know who YOU prefer out of the 7 members. But now it's time to find out which BTS member would actually fall for you!

This quiz is based on what members have said about their ideal type and also on the vibes they give.. me. So, this quiz is very subjective and just for fun!

Created by: Froeky
  1. Are you usually the one who takes care of others, or do others take care of you?
  2. What is your primary receiving love language?
  3. What is tasty in Busan?
  4. What is your primary love language (giving)
  5. What is your biggest asset? (don't be modest!)
  6. You're at a friends house and you see a children's tricycle and playhouse. You...
  7. Are you a good chef?
  8. Are you ambitious?
  9. Who is your bias?
  10. What do you like more?
  11. Are you ok with your partner being a bit jealous?
  12. On a scale from 1 to Khal Drogo, how manly do you want your partner to be?

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