Which Britney Spears Song Are You?

Which Britney spears song are you?! Find out what song connects to you on a personal level from the legend herself. Which Britney spears song are you?! Find out what song connects to you on a personal level from the legend herself. Which Britney spears song are you?! Find out what song connects to you on a personal level from the legend herself.

Find out what single you can relate to most!!! I hope you enjoy your result!

Created by: jon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a job or career?
  2. Are you in any schooling or educational program?
  3. Do you currently have feelings for a certain somebody?
  4. When was the last time you caught your self day dreaming about somebody?
  5. Do you feel as if you have had a blackout in your life & just awakened?
  6. Do you feel as if your life has been a zoo lately?
  7. My favourite colour is:
  8. You feel tired/stressed out lately.
  9. Out of the following which could you see your self doing dancing in a night club:
  10. You have just been cheated on, what do you do?
  11. You find out somebody unexpectedly likes you and they are quite attractive to you.

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Quiz topic: Which Britney Spears Song am I?