Which book genre suits you?

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Find it difficult when choosing a book to read? Don't know what you like? Wish someone could just create a quiz to help? Well, your wish is granted: take this quiz to find out what your favourite genre could be.

Don't overthink the answers - just go with your gut instinct. Remember, it's just a bit of fun and you will end up with some great ideas about the sorts of things you could read.

Created by: Mrs Hawley
  1. What film would you be more likely to watch?
  2. Which of these worlds would you most want to visit?
  3. You and your friend are going to a fancy dress party. Who do you go as?
  4. Which of these restaurants would you like to go to?
  5. Which day out would be your favourite?
  6. What's your go-to Netflix genre?
  7. Which drink flavour would you like to try?
  8. What is your favourite subject in school?
  9. What is your spirit animal?
  10. What type of transport would you like to go to school in?

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Quiz topic: Which book genre suits me?
