Which Blockbuster Character are you?

Hi everyone! Those if you don't now this quiz is abput my book on Wattpad Blockbuster! Hopefully you'll who are doing this had finished the book because it might spoil some things

This is a fun quiz for my supporters to figure out who they truly are from a book they enjoyed. Please enjoy and have fun with it! On my page, feel welcome to say who you got!

Created by: mxxnjoonie
  1. Which place would you want to work at the most?
  2. At Highschool, what title would you want?
  3. Favourite Quote?
  4. Dream first date?
  5. Favourite couple?
  6. What is your favourite chapter?
  7. At parties which one are you?
  8. Favourite Y2K movie?
  9. What job speaks for you?
  10. You just got told someone cheated on you, you....
  11. How would you describe yourself?
  12. What would you want to receive as a gift?
  13. Lastly, who is your favourite?

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Quiz topic: Which Blockbuster Character am I?
