Which Animal Are You?

Would you like to know which animal you are? Of course you do! Our little friends are funny and curious like us! We all have different personalities, like animals!

So, which animal are YOU? It's fun to see which critter we are, even if we don't like these fuzzy friends!!! Have lots and lots and lots of fun!!!!!!!

Created by: Marsha
  1. You see a fellow classmate being bullied because of their outfit. You,...
  2. What do you prefer to wear?
  3. What is your favorite thing to do?
  4. Your mom gave you her credit card and a limit of 50 dollars to spend at the mall. While you are there, you see the coolest shirt. If you buy it you will be over your limit. You,...
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. What is your favorite place to be?
  7. What is your favorite food?
  8. Healthy food or junk food?
  9. Mean or nice?
  10. What is your favorite holiday?

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Quiz topic: Which Animal am I?