Which Agents of Shield character are you?

Which of the main characters from Agents of Shield are you? Let's find out with ten simple questions. 262626262626262626277272727272722772727272727272727

An easy quiz for people who liked Agents of Shield. Just for fun. Hope you all will enjoy it. 123456678888722727272717171717171717171717171711717171717171

Created by: Rorie ett
  1. Choose one word that describes you
  2. What's your weapon of choice under a mission
  3. Lest favourite Agents of Shield character
  4. What do you stuggle with?
  5. Favourite thing to do with a loved one
  6. What's you love language?
  7. Favourite AOS season
  8. What's you Hogwarts house?
  9. Choose an outfit?
  10. Lastly, what's your least favourite event in the series?

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Quiz topic: Which Agents of Shield character am I?
