Which 2021 Sonic fan character are you?

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This quiz will show you which 2021 new sonic fan characters you could be. also if you enjoyed this quiz please leave any comments and I might answer your questions.

And this Quiz was created by me and I created the characters which might not be important. But I hope you enjoy it also Have fun and good luck on it. XD.

Created by: Ghost The Hedgefox
  1. If your sister betrayed you by destroying your parents?
  2. Who would be your new favorite Sonic fan character?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. What type of hair would you have?
  5. What eye color would you have?
  6. What animal would you be?
  7. What word best fits your personality?
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. Do you like Ghost a little or alot?
  10. Would you have a crush on her or would you make her your friend?

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Quiz topic: Which 2021 Sonic fan character am I?
