where should you go shopping

This quiz will be about your personality and interests. There are a few questions about your appearance. The quiz will give you a shop that fits you best when you finish the quiz.

I made this quiz because i was board an i love taking quizzes do i thought why not make a quiz for others to take. If there are any questions you don't want to answer you don't have to.

Created by: lucy
  1. What do you do on the weekends
  2. How do you do you do in school
  3. What clothes do you wear
  4. What shoes do you wear
  5. Do you were makeup
  6. Do you have many friends
  7. What colour do you like
  8. Who's your favorite singer/band
  9. Are you pretty
  10. What does your body look like
  11. How did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Where should I go shopping