Where do you belong in history?

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Hi! My name is Annie, and I am one of those history-obsessed weirdos everyone hates. But that doesn't bother me at all! I made this quiz because I was bored, but some people also want to know where they belong in history.

I don't know exactly how accurate the quiz is, and I just made it for fun, so don't get too upset if you don't get the result you wanted. I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: AnnieLiss14
  1. What year would you enjoy living in?
  2. What year were you born?
  3. What century do you find most interesting? Note: 21st century is 2000s, 20th century is 1900s, 19th century is 1800s, and so on.
  4. What country were you born in?
  5. Do you like history?
  6. How much do you know about history?
  7. How big is your family?
  8. Did you enjoy this quiz? This won't affect your results
  9. Are you ready for your results?
  10. Last question: Have you done any of my other quizzes? If not, you should! They are great...I think.

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Quiz topic: Where do I belong in history?
