What ZA character are you?

Hello Zombie people!!! this is my second, much more accurate quiz. It has more characters than the first one, including Andre, Kaylee, and Chealsy. Hope you enjoy!

This quiz is based of a book that I am writing, called Zombie Apocalypse. It should (Hopefully!!!) be finished by the end of the year. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Technological
  1. ROLE PLAY TIME! Your school has been overrun by zombies. What is your weapon on choice?
  2. PART 1: Okay, so you see a wave of zombies approaching you base. What is your base?
  3. PART 2: What do you do about the massive wave of zombies?
  4. Who is your team of zombie fighters?
  5. DXFGXcfvgxdgBHJChbgGxdghcvhvhhh
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. Your friend gets infected with the plague!
  8. What is/was your favorite school subject ?
  9. What is your stereotype?
  10. What is your fatal flaw?
  11. XCvRZcfvTDRrcfgYUrvYgYIrcfGtcutYVGTugkH

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Quiz topic: What ZA character am I?
