What Wolf Are You?

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Have you ever wondered what rank you would be as a wolf? What color? Well if you do, this is the quiz for you! You will get your result at the end and I am absolutely sure you will be happy with it. Enjoy!

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Created by: MoonSky Wolf :3
  1. Hello, my name is MoonSky. How are you?
  2. You see the Alpha collapse on his side when you are taking a stroll. He tells you that he wants you to be the next Alpha when he passes on. Will you accept?
  3. You choose to be the Alpha, but need to mate in order to keep the pack going. Who will you pick?
  4. You end up mating with the smartest, fastest, most beautiful wolf in the pack, and have three pups, but they are about to drown in a river along with your mate, who would you save?
  5. When you are walking, a storm hits, and you are all alone, what will you choose to do?
  6. Luckily, your warriors come and find you, but just as you see the border, a pack of enemy wolves come and start attacking, how will you react?
  7. Okay, so the enemy wolves retreat, but you see your mate talking to another wolf. She has black fur, purple eyes, and a white patch on her chest (hey its me) Your pack and your mate wants to take me in, are you okay with this?
  8. The enemy wolves come back, but with more warriors than ever. They capture me and you, and have us in a dirt cave with guards surrounding it. They want to kill us, you because you are the Alpha, and me because they mistook me for your mate. They want to claim our territory for their own, how do we escape?
  9. We get out, but when we come to the pack, none of the enemy wolves are there. We realized that they were all there. Now I give you a gift: a Power Crystal. What do you want to do with it?
  10. You decide to give it to all of the pack, and we all grow wings, the same color as our fur. We fly around, but a hunter mistakes one of us for a duck and shoots. How will you react?
  11. You take the wolf to the healers, and they fix him. You and your pack live a long and happy life. By the way, what is your pack's name?
  12. You and your mate eventually die, and your eldest pup takes the place as Alpha. How would you describe your life?

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Quiz topic: What Wolf am I?
