What WOF Species Am I!?

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Heyyy, guys! Thanks so much for checking out my newest quiz! For WOF superfans, those hoping to get into the series, and just super bored people alike, I hope you enjoy this quiz!

There are some basic gtky questions, some about your physcological makeup, and some about personal prefernce. Some answers may seems sterotypical per tribe, so please, be honest and don't cheat!!!

Created by: ElliCottleAmazin
  1. First off, let's figure out who you are: There is a f/m version of every name
  2. Which activity sounds the most appealing?
  3. Which set of colors do you like best?
  4. Where would you most want to live out of the following?
  5. What's your best quality?
  6. What's your biggest flaw?
  7. Which is your element!?
  8. What's your darkest secret?
  9. Which of these is your favorite food?
  10. Are you a perfectionist?
  11. Almost done! How would you rate yourself?
  12. Annnnnd finally, why did you take this quiz?

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