What WoF Sandwing Princess Are You?

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Are you weirdness-loving Burn, cunning Blister, or giggly Blaze? Find out with this quiz! none of the pictures are mine. Hope you enjoy my quiz!!!!!!!

This quiz is definitely not accurate at all. I cannot confirm that your personality will match any of these results, and comment if that happens, I will be very surprised.

Created by: WoF fan
  1. Hello!
  2. Favourite colors?
  3. Favourite Phyrria tribe?
  4. Favourite Pantala tribe?
  5. Too many favourites?
  6. If you picked no on the last question, answer "What is your favourite adjective?" if your answer was yes, answer " What word describes you best?"
  7. Fave plant?
  8. Phyrria or Pantala?
  9. Do you like the quiz?
  10. Fate

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Quiz topic: What WoF Sandwing Princess am I?
