What will your hand length be when you grow up?

Calculate approximatly how long your hand will be when you grow up just by taking this quick quiz! Just keep in mind that the results might not be 100% correct, so don´t take the answer too seriously.

All you will have to do to find out the answer is enter youre age, gender, current handlength, height, body type, what sports you play and if you can grip a basketball. That might sound like allot, but trust me, it is not!

Created by: QuizCreatorHuman
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your current hand length?
  4. How tall are you currently?
  5. How would you consider your body type?
  6. What sports do you play?
  7. Can you grip a Basketball?
  8. Do people remark the size of your hands?
  9. How big do you think your hands will be?
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What will Ir hand length be when you grow up?
