What weapon most suit you?

There are many types of fighters with differents weapons.From this test you can find out what type of fighter you are and what is the weapon that really suits you.

What style of fighting do you prefer?Which weapon comes easily to you?You are born to fight or retreat?Anser this quiz honestly and you will find out.

Created by: giorgosmanoussakis
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of these words describes you the best?
  2. In the members of your companion what are you most like?
  3. In the battle you prefer be...
  4. What type of weapons you prefer?
  5. What do you want to gain from a battle?
  6. You get closed from 10000 warriors and you are only 300,what will you do?
  7. What is the most important thing for winning in a battle?
  8. What type of armor you prefer?
  9. Where do you prefer fighting?
  10. What do you do at your free time?
  11. You prefer being a...
  12. How or where do you want to die?
  13. You are dying.What are your last words?
  14. What is your favorite animal?
  15. What will you do if your best friend die at your side?
  16. What is your fighting style?
  17. How do you prepare for a battle?
  18. Why would you go in a battle?
  19. Why do you think you are an important person in the battle?
  20. What will you say if some friends ask for your help in a battle?
  21. How is your personality in general?
  22. You like the danger?
  23. You like the action and the adventure?

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