What Warrior Cat Leader Would You Be?

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Welcome! I'm a warrior's fan, you probably are too. This is Quizclan, where all our warrior's take quiz's to protect the clan. I'm Answerstar, and this is my Deputy, Resultfur.

Oh, you wonder what you should do? No worry's, newbie. I have a quiz for you. It's called, "What warrior cat leader would you be?" Try it, I'll be watching you.

Created by: Dawn the Fawn!
  1. {For toms} Your on a night stroll with your mate, who's expecting kits. Suddenly, a dog came and attacked! Do you...
  2. Starclan has left you temporarily, and your clan all lost hope and gave up hunting or fighting. You...
  3. Your at a ceremony, and you have to decide who should mentor Tansypaw, a quiet and clever she cat. You chose...
  4. Firefur, a senior warrior and the bravest warrior asked to become an elder with his mate. You say...
  5. Your on your last life. Your grandkit just escaped the nursery and was found died at the sunning rocks with a riverclan warrior. You...
  6. You just got promoted to leader, and you need to chose a deputy. You chose...
  7. Starclan tells you the forest isn't safe anymore, and you must go to the twoleg place. You...
  8. Half your clan died of sickness, then the medicine cat dies of it too, and had no apprentice. You tell the clan...
  9. Your pinned to the ground by a rouge while your on a midnight walk by yourself. "Eat these death berries or I'll kill you in a slower way!" The rouge hissed. You...
  10. Who do you think is the best leader our of these's? Firestar, Crookedstar, Leopardstar, Doestar, Bluestar, Tigerstar or Brokenstar?

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