What Warrior Cat are you?

There are many different cats, but some are the same. Different personalities are quiet exceptional. What is a personality? A personality is someone's character.

Which warrior cat are you? This ultimate thing or whatever will tell which warrior cat you are! Please comment, like and favorite if possible! Have a great day!

Created by: Sky

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are a new warrior and you were out on vigil until you heard a rustling noise. It was a kit! It had bright red eyes and thick black fur. What will you do?
  2. You brought back one scrawny mouse and you are starving but the queens, elders and kits are starving as well. What do you do?
  3. You met a cat from another clan and you start to love him and he mig love you back. Do you ask him to meet with you more often?
  4. Your personality?
  5. Favorite color?
  6. Pelt color? Choose out of the six.
  7. Name you prefer, prefix.
  8. Eye color, choose out of the six that you prefer.
  9. Your wanted death that you prefer.
  10. LAST ONE! Your camp floods and you find that your kit, your mate, your leader and your best friend are drowning. Which one do you save?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat am I?