What underwear should you wear

We know people are questioning what underwear they should wear.

C. N. C. C.

Created by: Magician of underwear
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What underwear do you wear
  2. Do you have a cousin or step cousin who wears tightie whities or briefs?
  3. What sport do you play
  4. Do you have a girlfriend
  5. Do you give wedgies
  6. Do you like giving wedgies
  7. Do you have a brother who wears tighty whities
  8. Have you ever worn tighty whities/ this includes when you were 2 and up
  9. If you know a person is wearing tightie whities right now would you panst them and put it on YouTube or give them a wedgie and put it on YouTube
  10. Do you have purple or pink underwear

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Quiz topic: What underwear should I wear