What type of Wizard would you be?

Wizards are not very common in our world. They are tracked out secretly and brought for secret purposes. A man in the dark will help unleash their true potential.

Are you a wizard? If Yes, what kind of wizard? You will be taken through what seems to be a normal day with normal options to choose from to decide what wizard you are!

Created by: joe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up in the morning ....
  2. You wake up in the morning ....
  3. You get down to eat breakfast. What do you get?
  4. Your door breaks open. A man appears with a gun...
  5. You get away from the man. You are now outside.
  6. You meet the man again. He asks for your money.
  7. A police shows up and arrests the man.
  8. You wake up the next morning. You are in someone elses house.
  9. Before you can preform your action, a man walks in. "Come with me he says".
  10. If you tried to run away, you were tracked down and brought down a hallway, or you just followed. You arrive in a dark room with a man sitting in a chair.
  11. He looks at you and says: "I am in need with help". "You are the only wizard I could find".

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